Sande Ace Home Page

The Lady Clipper and the Mansfield

The Tacoma-built Lady Clipper runabout and crusier boat and their Mansfield cousins were also made at the time the Sandes were building their Ace.  The runabouts also had a dual cockpit design which, with its rear steering, was fairly popular at the time.

Contact Ed if you have any pictures or other information on these great boats.

Lady Clippers

Ernie and Irv Sigler
Sigler Brothers

Lady Clippers
Lady Clipper Collage

A Lady Clipper Dart

The Sigler's made a double cockpit plywood runabout shown above was somewhat similar to the Sande Ace.  In 1956-57, they also made a sportier model called the Lady Clipper Dart. Dave H. is restoring this one, only the second Dart known to exist today.

The Dart as received. It looks pretty good here but closer examination showed otherwise.

The following pictures show a few stages in Dave's restoration.  More pictures are available at a Northwest Classic Boat Club forum but you might have to register before viewing the pictures.

Dave's Dart with its restored 1959 Mark 35A.

  The Weston's Lady Clipper and Mansfield

John Weston grew up with a Lady Clipper runabout in the 1950s after his father Herb (Buck) bought Irv Sigler's personal boat. It eventually had a 25+ horsepower Mercury KG9 outboard on it and was said to do 47 MPH! The boat was built to not flip and John saw his father do everything he could do to flip it. No way!

The Weston's Lady Clipper     The Weston's Lady Clipper     The Weston's Lady Clipper

The photo below shows scenery that no longer exists. Not because of the Lady Clipper and the KG9 motor but because that is Spirit Lake at Mount St. Helens, a lake totally transformed in the mountain's 1980 eruption.

The Weston's Lady Clipper

The Weston's then upgraded to a Mansfield sedan convertible shown below. The first picture shows it at Point Defiance, near where they lived, with the ferry Rhododrendron in the background. The last picture shows it on trailer behind their 1950 Buick Super Hardtop.

The Weston's Mansfield     The Weston's Mansfield     The Weston's Mansfield

Tom M's Lady Clipper.    Provenance Established!

Jim Giesy found this web page via an article about the Sande Ace on the Woody Boater site.  Was he ever surprised when he opened this page and saw the Lady Clipper cruiser that he helped build and bought new in 1955!  He was sure it was his because of the plaid cover that he installed, the port hole window that he put in the cabin door and the red Johnson that he installed.  Now belonging to Tom M, this boat is a testimony to all those who take fantastic care of their classic wooden boats.  Click here for more of Jim's story.

Tom M's Lady Clipper Tom M's Lady Clipper
Tom M's Lady Clipper Tom M's Lady Clipper

Jim Cooper's Lady Clipper on Skaha Lake

Jim Cooper's Lady Clipper

Jim Cooper's Lady Clipper
1959 Mercury Mark 55AE

Steve Tweit's Two Mansfields

Steve must be the "King of Mansfields" because he has two of them!  Here is his 1955 Mansfield "Customline" cabin boat on Lake Tapps in Washington.
Steve Tweit's Mansfield Customline Boat

Steve's Mansfield runabout has a 1962 Merc 450 (with an older lower unit).  It can really zip as shown in pictures below and in a movie taken at Lake Tapps!
Steve Tweit's Mansfield Customline Boat

Steve Tweit's Mansfield Runabout

Steve Tweit's Mansfield Runabout

Steve Tweit's Mansfield Runabout